Our School

Senior School

Year 10-Year 12

We invite you to explore our Senior School — where aspiration, excellence and engagement are hallmarks of our educational practice, and each learner is equipped and empowered for future success.

Senior School

Our Senior School:
Academic Excellence and Exceptional Graduate Pathways

Our Senior School sets the standard for excellence.

Emerging as young leaders with limitless horizons, our graduates depart Investigator College with the knowledge, skills, capabilities and academic results that will guide and shape successful futures. 

Maintaining a reputation for academic excellence and a pioneering spirit, Investigator College graduates are equipped to step confidently into future study, future vocations and future careers.

Taking full advantage of our dedicated, state-of-the-art Senior School precinct, Investigator College offers a full complement of subjects, opportunities and pathways to suit each and every learner as they complete their Secondary education.

Understanding that post-schooling destinations and aspirations differ for each individual, we work alongside each and every one of our Senior students, coaching and guiding them as they complete their Secondary education to ensure that they are able to pursue their desired future vocation.

As our Senior students complete their Secondary education – and throughout our entire College – we are committed to ensuring that each individual learner has the fullest opportunity to become, and be, their very best self.

Each student enrolled in our Senior School enjoys and benefits from:

Individual Attention

Our Senior School class sizes are small, and concentrated around specific subject areas, ensuring that each learner receives time and space to focus on their studies, and to access support from expert teaching and learning staff. We invest substantially in the post-school future of each of our Senior students, and work continually to ensure they are equipped and empowered to achieve excellent results.

Leadership Opportunities

Guiding and shaping the leaders and community advocates of the next generation, our Senior School program combines academic rigour with the further development of key skills and qualities that set our students apart, and set them on course for enduring and meaningful lifelong learning.

We view our Senior students as the natural student leaders within our College Community, and utilise their position as role models for our younger students to encourage the development of key character strengths that serve to further equip our graduates for success as they move into the next phase of learning, work and life.

Focus on Positive Education and Wellbeing

At Investigator College, we understand that navigating the final years of Secondary School can be challenging. Our focus on Positive Education helps to ensure that each student has access to a range of services, strategies and initiatives that are designed to support and promote holistic student wellbeing.

From opportunities to engage in mindfulness and exercise activities, to community-oriented programs that promote relationships and connection, we offer a teaching and learning environment that prioritises happy and healthy students.

Expert Teaching Staff

Each of our Senior School teaching staff are experienced educators, with a breadth and depth of subject-specific expertise that provides a top-tier teaching and learning experience for our Year 10, 11 and 12 students.

Guided Tours

Book A Guided Tour of Our Senior School

Join us on a guided tour of our outstanding Senior School!

Our regular Guided Tours provide an opportunity to meet our Principal and School Leaders, view our extensive facilities, visit our classrooms and discuss your child’s individual learning needs with our expert teaching and learning staff.

    Tour Date & Time

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    Senior School

    Senior School Curriculum

    Preparing and equipping our Senior students for life and learning beyond schooling, our Senior School subject offerings provide access to the full complement of graduate pathways, including entry into courses at Australia’s top universities.

    Beginning with dedicated future planning and guidance in Year 10, and continuing with outstanding support and encouragement as students complete Year 11 and Year 12, our Senior School Curriculum allows each learner to pursue their desired post-school future.

    From the attainment of strong ATAR scores and entry into leading universities, to seamless entry into the workforce, our Senior Years subject offerings provide access to a broad range of graduate pathways.

    Personal Learning Plans

    Taking place at the commencement of study in the Senior School (Year 10), each student at Investigator College engages in the development of a Personal Learning Plan (PLP). 

    Working alongside key members of our teaching and learning staff, and with opportunity to engage with career advisors, information sessions, and excursions to university campuses, students are guided to identify and research future vocations, and to set the course for their own individual educational future.

    The Personal Learning Plan (which also contributes toward the attainment of the South Australian Certificate of Education or SACE) assists learners to take greater responsibility for their own learning, identify and set key learning goals, and co-author their pathway through their Senior Years of education at Investigator, including making some early decisions regarding subject selections for Year 11 and Year 12.

    South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE)

    Students who successfully complete their Senior School education are awarded the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE).

    The SACE is an internationally recognised qualification that paves the way for young people to move from school to work or further training and study, ensuring that students gain the skills they need for the future, as citizens and members of the workforce.

    Each subject or course successfully completed throughout Year 11 and Year 12 (with some subjects available in Year 10) earns ‘credits’ towards the SACE, with a minimum of 200 credits required for students to gain the Certificate. The Certificate is structured around stages of achievement and includes some compulsory subjects. 

    Subjects and Graduate Pathways

    Providing students with the opportunity to pursue the broadest possible range of post-school pathways, our Senior School offers students the ability to study:

    • English
    • Literary Studies
    • General Mathematics
    • Mathematical Methods
    • Specialist Mathematics
    • Agriculture
    • Biology
    • Chemistry
    • Physics
    • Psychology
    • Economics
    • Tourism
    • Geography
    • Legal Studies
    • Modern History
    • Design, Technology and Engineering
    • Digital Technologies
    • Physical Education
    • Health and Wellbeing
    • Visual Arts
    • Music
    • Drama
    • Food and Hospitality
    • Japanese

    It is an expectation that all Investigator College graduates depart the College having attained their South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) at minimum, with opportunities for each student to attain additional qualifications through our Vocational Education and Training (VET) and Community Development Programs.

    Vocational Education and Training (VET)

    Understanding that the desired post-schooling destinations differ for each individual student, Investigator College provides a range of Vocational Education and Training (VET) opportunities, providing qualifications that equip our learners for entry into the workforce.

    Certificate II in Horticulture &
    Certificate III in Conservation and Ecosystem Management

    Delivered through our world-class eco-campus at Currency Creek, our most popular VET offerings focus on sustainability, land care and environmental management, equipping students with skills and qualifications for careers in conservation, lands, parks, wildlife or natural area restoration.

    Certificate III in Sports Coaching

    An entry point into sports, health, nutrition and sports science pathways, our Certificate III in Sports Coaching is delivered in partnership with The Australian College of Sport, and provides students with skills and qualifications for futures in both community and elite-level sport and physical activity.

    Community Development Programs

    Core to the preparation of Senior Years students for life beyond school, is the promotion of community, citizenship and our responsibility to the welfare and wellbeing of others and our world.

    Students in Years 10 – 12 are encouraged to consider participating in a range of Community Development Programs. In addition to the building of personal character and understanding of citizenship and civic responsibility, participation in Community Development Programs has the potential to contribute toward the attainment of the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE).

    Investigator College is proud to offer a diverse range of Community Development opportunities including programs provided with and through:

    • Australian Air Force Cadets
    • Australian and New Zealand Cultural Arts Limited
    • Australian Army Cadets
    • Australian Business Week
    • Australian Guild of Music and Speech
    • Australian Music Examinations Board
    • Australian Teachers of Dancing
    • Catholic Education SA
    • Ceccheti Ballet Australia Inc.
    • Commonwealth Society of Teachers of Dancing
    • Construction Industry Training Board
    • Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
    • Equestrian Federation of Australia
    • Guides Australia
    • International Music Examinations Board of Australia
    • Microsoft Certification Program
    • Operation Flinders Foundation
    • Royal Academy of Dance
    • Royal Life Saving Society (SA Branch)
    • AUSTSWIM (SA Business Centre)
    • SA Country Fire Service
    • Scouts Australia
    • St. Cecilia School of Music (limited options)
    • St John Ambulance Australia Cadets
    • STV One and All Sailing Program
    • Trinity College London


    Senior School
    Curriculum Guide

    An overview of our Senior School Curriculum, including details on each of the subjects offered across each year level from Year 10 – Year 12 is available in our comprehensive Senior School Curriculum Guide.

    We believe our Senior School offers the very best educational experience on the Fleurieu Peninsula.
    As our students prepare to graduate, and to pursue their chosen post-school pathways, our teaching and learning is characterised by:

    Extensive subject offerings, including specialised ATAR (university) pathway subjects and a range of Vocational Education and Training (VET) offerings.

    Access to state-of-the-art learning facilities, campus grounds and teaching environments to promote deep engagement with SACE-level studies.

    Focus on, and support for, Student Wellbeing and Positive Education as learners navigate their final years of Secondary schooling.

    Consistently high standard of academic achievement, with a reputation for excellent ATAR results, and a proud history of highly successful graduates.

    Senior School

    Exceptional Teaching
    and Learning:
    Our Senior School Staff

    From our individual subject teachers to our educational leaders, each member of our Senior School staff offers expertise, guidance, support and encouragement as our Year 10, Year 11 and Year 12 students navigate the conclusion of their Secondary schooling.

    Each year, with remarkable consistency, Investigator College outperforms the expected number of first-round university offers for non-metropolitan schools, and achieves Year 12 results on par with the most reputable Anglican schools in South Australia.

    The calibre of our teaching staff, along with the depth and quality of our teaching and learning, reflect Investigator College’s reputation and tradition in the pursuit of academic excellence. Working as partners in education with our Senior students, each of our Senior School teachers and school leaders is invested in their success, providing outstanding support for each learner as they navigate their final years of Secondary study.

    As students approach the final stepping stones of their learning journey at Investigator, their subject loads become more specialised and focused toward their post-schooling goals. In support of this specialisation, our Senior School staff are experts – both as teachers, and in their subject areas – ensuring that our Year 11 and Year 12 students have access to, and support from, exceptional educators.

    Throughout the final years of Secondary school, our staff continue to work hand-in-hand with parents and families to ensure that our Senior students graduate with the knowledge, skills and character strengths that will empower them for every success in the future.


    Key Senior School Staff

    John Robinson


    Jodie O'Donnell

    Head of Secondary School

    Scott McGregor

    Deputy Principal


    Expand Your Horizons:
    Enrol in Our World-Class Senior School at Investigator College!

    Investigator College is excited to welcome new students, parents and families as they begin an exciting new learning adventure in our Middle School. Begin your enrolment journey today, and join our outstanding Middle School at Investigator College!