Media Releases

Exceptional Results Open Future Doors for Investigator College Graduates

Monday, 18 December 2023
Investigator College is celebrating outstanding Year 12 results for the 2023 school year, with over one-third of the 2023 graduating class achieving an ATAR above 80 and College Captain, Willem Dunkley, achieving an exceptional ATAR of 98.80.
Liam Hensel

Liam Hensel

Director of Marketing and Community Engagement

Following the release of South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) results this morning [Monday 18 December, 2023], Investigator College is proud to report an outstanding year of achievement for graduating Year 12 students, continuing to uphold the College’s reputation for academic excellence on the Fleurieu Peninsula.

In another solid year for Year 12 at Investigator College, 31% of ATAR-eligible students achieved an Australian Tertiary Entrance Rank (ATAR) of 80 or above, while a further 15% achieved an ATAR greater than 75 – a success rate which compares favourably to many of South Australia’s leading independent schools.

The strong results are set to open many future doors for the 2023 graduates, many of whom have university aspirations and intend to pursue careers in a diverse range of fields including medicine, agriculture, architecture, philosophy, and political studies.

College Dux for 2023, Willem Dunkley – who achieved an impressive ATAR of 98.80 –  will be turning his attention to tertiary studies in Science at Adelaide University, and plans to commence a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in the new year.

“I’m glad to have done so well, and I’m excited that I’ll be able to pursue further studies and (eventually) a career in Science. I’m looking forward to exploring Chemistry, Physics, Biochemistry and Pharmaceuticals. Science is a discipline that can take you anywhere – from laboratories to field work – and is always changing, so it’s a really exciting thing to be moving into.”

Willem’s reflections on the achievements of this year’s graduating class are echoed by College Principal, Mr. John Robinson, who praised the diverse range of post-school pathways being explored and expressed an excitement at what the future may hold for the group of 60-strong young people embarking on the next phase of life and learning:

“Once again Investigator students have performed really well and are poised to take on the world with confidence.”

To complement student success in ATAR results, Investigator College is also celebrating another highly successful year in Vocational Education and Training (VET), conferring 27 certificates and diplomas in horticulture, land care and ecosystem management through practical courses at its Currency Creek EcoCentre, and a further 25 vocational qualifications through on-campus VET programs in 2023.

Referencing Investigator College’s growing commitment to diverse pathways – and a broader acknowledgement of the need to support this diversity in rural and regional areas – Head of Senior School, Mrs. Jodie O’Donnell, expressed great pride in the achievements of each individual student, and commended this year’s Year 12 cohort on their commitment to aligning their studies to their passions, interests, and goals for the future:

“The most exciting aspect of these results is the variety of subject choices and pathways. Our students have achieved so well in their chosen subjects. They have followed their passion and interests and have produced some outstanding results – and set themselves up for some truly exciting futures. I am exceptionally proud of each and every one of our Year 12 students this year.”

This year’s results continue a positive and continually improving trend for Investigator College, with a renewed focus on innovation and engagement contributing to the ongoing success of Year 12 students as they complete their secondary education on the South Coast.

Mr. Robinson finished by reflecting on the quality of this year’s graduates, and the opportunities afforded to them on the Fleurieu Peninsula:

“It is great that these students have the opportunity to shine without going to city schools. The graduate qualities exhibited by Investigator students include a strong focus on respect, including for the environment and animals, exceptionally good manners and a focus on making the world a better place. The excellent results are the cream on the cake.”


Investigator College: 2023 Year 12 Results – Summary

  • Dux: Willem Dunkley, ATAR of 98.80.
  • Runner-Up Dux: Elliot Shine
  • 30% of ATAR-eligible students achieved an ATAR of 80 or above.
  • 46% of ATAR-eligible students achieved an ATAR of 75 or above.
  • 74% of all Year 12 grades in A or B band.
  • 98% SACE Completion.
  • 52 VET Certificate or Diploma-level qualifications were completed and conferred.

The Principal, Senior Leadership Team and Staff of Investigator College extend their congratulations to all of our 2023 Year 12 graduates, and wishes each student all the very best as they continue to pursue success in their post-school pathways.


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All articles, updates, media releases and event information remain the intellectual property of Investigator College and its authors, unless otherwise stated and may only be reproduced with permission.
© Investigator College, 2023
Liam Hensel
Director of Marketing and Community Engagement

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