Media Releases

Honouring Sacrifice through the VWMA Excellence Awards

Wednesday, 10 April 2024
In a poignant ceremony held on Monday 8 April, the Virtual War Memorial Australia (VWMA) Excellence Awards celebrated the remarkable achievements of South Australian students who made exceptional contributions to the VWMA in 2023.

Among the honourees was Lucas Juergens, a Year 10 History student, whose submission focusing on his great-grandfather, John Patrick McNamara, earned him well-deserved recognition. Lucas’s dedication to preserving his family’s legacy through his research was commendable and truly reflective of the spirit of the VWMA.

The ceremony, held at the historic Drill Hall, Torrens Parade Ground, was attended by the Honourable Blair Boyer MP, Minister for Education. Minister Boyer, acknowledging the importance of commemorating our nation’s heroes, presented each student with a certificate and medal, symbolising their significant contributions to the VWMA.

Among the attendees were Lucas’s 2023 History teacher, Miss Raji Kaur, and his proud family members, including his grandmother, whose father, John Patrick McNamara, was the subject of Lucas’s research. Their presence added an extra layer of meaning to the ceremony, highlighting the personal connections and legacies honoured through the VWMA.

You can read Lucas’ entry here:

The VWMA is a national digital tribute honouring those who served in war, armed conflict, and peacekeeping operations, preserving their identities and stories. With a strong commitment to education, its Schools Program, supported by the Department for Education in South Australia, engages students in understanding the impact of war. Over nine years, schools have contributed thousands of student profiles, emphasizing the importance of honouring sacrifices. The VWMA Excellence Awards not only celebrate academic achievements but also underscore the commitment to preserving history and honouring legacies. Through initiatives like the Schools Program, we ensure that the stories of our heroes endure for generations.



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