

Recognising and rewarding outstanding excellence, effort, achievement and student leadership from Years 3 – 12


Our Scholarships

As an extension of our commitment to providing affordable and attainable high-quality Anglican education, Investigator College recognises excellence, effort and student endeavor through our annual Scholarships Program.

All current students, along with all students who intend to commence their education at Investigator College in the forthcoming year are encouraged to apply for consideration.

In 2024, applications are open for our:

  • Equal opportunity scholarship
  • General excellence scholarship

Application process

Applications must be received by 25 October 2024. They are completed via our online portal and must be completed in a single session.

Following the closing date, the Senior Leadership Team will review all scholarship applications and create a shortlist for interviews.

All applicants will be notified at this point about whether their application has progressed.

Interviews will be conducted at the College and applying students will respond verbally to a short series of questions.

Following this process, the Senior Leadership Team will consider all applicants and allocate available scholarships.

Successful applicants will be presented with a Letter of Offer and a Scholarship Agreement which outlines:

  • the value of the scholarship;
  • its duration;
  • any additional conditions or expectations to be met/maintained by the recipient.

The Scholarship Agreement must be signed by all relevant parties and returned before the scholarship is officially awarded to the recipient.

What you'll need

Applications must be completed in a single session via our online portal. Prior to applying, we encourage you to gather together any relevant information/evidence that will strengthen your application.

This may include:

  • School reports
  • NAPLAN results
  • Certificates/awards
  • Letters
  • Trophies
  • Newspaper/media articles
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Personal references

You will also need to supply a ‘Personal Statement’ of up to 200 words written by the applying student and outlining why they should receive the scholarship.


Equal opportunity scholarship

Our Equal Opportunity Scholarship helps high-achieving students complete a world-class Anglican education that would otherwise be difficult to access due to financial circumstances.

The scholarship is designed to support students who demonstrate academic, sporting, or extra/co-curricular excellence and who have the potential to enrich the College community.

Successful applicants will receive an 100% discount* on their annual tuition fees for the duration of their schooling at Investigator College**.

*All other school fees, including uniform and enrolment fees, must be paid in full.

**Financial circumstances and student performance and behaviour will be reviewed annually to determine eligibility and confirm continuation of the awarded scholarship.

Selection criteria

This scholarship is only available to new students who are not currently enrolled at Investigator College.

Applications are open to students who are entering years 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12 in 2025.

Applicants must provide evidence of:

  • Their financial circumstances (e.g., tax assessments, pay slips and/or current rent or mortgage payments). Alternatively, parents may provide proof that they hold a School Card.
  • Excellence or exemplary effort in academic studies (e.g., School reports, NAPLAN results, certificates/awards, trophies).
  • Strong participation and/or leadership in a given extra-curricular, sports or co-curricular activity.
  • Willingness to engage with new opportunities, learn new skills and/or participate in new experiences.

Applications close at 11:59pm on Friday 25 October.


General excellence scholarship

The General Excellence scholarship is designed to support students who have demonstrated exceptional academic results, as well as strong capabilities in leadership, service, and/or extracurricular activities, to reach their potential and contribute to the College community.

Successful applicants will receive a discount on their annual tuition fees*, for a period of two years**. The discount offered to successful applicants will depend on the relative strength of the application.

*All other school fees, including uniform and enrolment fees, must be paid in full.

**Performance in the student’s area/s of excellence will be reviewed annually to determine ongoing eligibility and confirm the continuation of the awarded scholarship for the two-year period.

Selection criteria

Both new and existing College families are eligible to apply.

Applications are open to students who are entering years 3 to 12 in 2025.

Applicants must provide evidence of:

  • Excellence or exemplary effort in academic studies (e.g. School reports, NAPLAN results, certificates/awards, trophies).
  • Strong participation and/or leadership in a given extra-curricular, sports or co-curricular activity.
  • Willingness to engage with new opportunities, learn new skills and/or participate in new experiences.

Applications close at 11:59pm on Friday 25 October.