Parent Resources


Investigator College is proud to partner with the QKR! App to facilitate our daily Canteen and lunch ordering services for all students


Ordering and Using
the QKR! App

Our Canteen operates via the QKR! App, with daily lunch orders available.

Investigator College is proud to partner with a range of local suppliers to ensure that all students are able to access fresh, healthy food for lunch each day.

Lunch Orders are available to all students, and are managed through the QKR! App.

Daily Lunch Orders must be placed by 8:30am at the latest, however they can be made in advance, and all orders must be made via the QKR! App.

QKR! App Guide

The QKR App is operated by Mastercard, and offers families a quick and easy way to manage ordering and payment for school-related items. By processing orders ahead of time, QKR! reduces the need for students to bring cash to school and guarantees that orders are delivered directly to our suppliers.

To help parents and families get started with using QKR! please refer to our convenient QKR! Guide:


QKR! App

The QKR! App is available for both Android and iPhone Devices, and is essential for ordering and managing lunch orders at Investigator College.