Early Learning Centre

3-5 Year Olds

Learning through discovery, exploration and play – discover high-quality Early Years Education with our Little Investigators Early Learning Centre!

Early Learning Centre

Our Early Learning Centre:
Outstanding Early Years Education

Beginning from the day your child turns three, and providing a caring, community-centred learning environment until school-readiness at the age of five, Little Investigators our world-class Early Learning Centre is designed specifically to engage, inspire and nurture our youngest learners.

Offering two specially tailored programs (Pipis for 3-4 Year Olds and Pelicans for 4-5 Year Olds), Little Investigators exists to care for and inspire young learners as they enter key formative and developmental stages of childhood.

Among the most affordable Early Learning Centres on the Fleurieu Peninsula, Little Investigators is staffed by a team of dedicated, qualified and experienced Early Years Educators, and caters for the developmental needs of each child as they learn and grow. 

Focusing on key milestones in both life and learning, Little Investigators offers more than a traditional long day care or kindergarten, with access to the full resourcing, facilities and specialised subjects of Investigator College.

Each ‘Little Investigator’ enrolled with us receives and benefits from:

Individual Attention

We believe and recognise that each child is unique and has rich potential.

Through our programs of care, support and learning, our role as educators is to work with parents/caregivers to help each child in our care to discover their unique gifts, talents, abilities and interests by providing opportunities to play and learn.

Learning through Curiosity and Exploration

Our Early Learning Centre operates on a philosophy of wellbeing, inquiry and exploration – allowing each child’s natural sense of enquiry about the world around them to shape and inform their development.

Nature Play, opportunities to explore new spaces, and encouragement to engage with new experiences are core to our learning, with each learner able to make full use of both our indoor and outdoor learning spaces.

Focus on Wellbeing and Development

At Little Investigators, our children, their development, and their wellbeing, are at the heart of everything we do.

From the design of our physical spaces to our philosophy for learning, Little Investigators draws from Reggio Emilia – an internationally renowned approach for creating environments, relationships and experiences –  that encourages children to explore their potential through play, interaction, inquiry and curiosity. 

'Big School' Opportunities

Our Little Investigators benefit from the full resourcing of Investigator College, with opportunities to explore specialised areas of both the Victor Harbor and Currency Creek campuses.

From our dedicated Nature Play area, to feeding animals in the Agriculture Shed and day trips to the Currency Creek EcoCentre, our ELC students have the opportunity to experience a range of different environments each week.

Our ELC students are also actively involved in assemblies, and spend time exploring new areas of our campus, with a focus on engagement with older students, building connections that assist with a smooth transition into Prep or Reception.

Caring and Supportive Staff

Understanding the important role they play in caring, guiding and nurturing young learners at the very beginning of their learning journey, our staff are highly trained and offer both supervision for intentional play alongside structured learning, helping to prepare each child for their eventual transition into Junior School.

Across our entire school community, our staff work in partnership with parents and families to ensure each individual learner has the fullest opportunity to become, and be, their very best self.

Guided Tours

Book A Guided Tour of Little Investigators

Allow us to show you through our world-class Early Learning Centre!

Our regular Guided Tours provide an opportunity to meet our ELC Director, our Principal and our School Leaders, view our extensive facilities, explore our learning spaces and discuss your child’s individual needs with our expert Early Years staff.

    Tour Date & Time

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    Early Learning Centre

    Early Learning Programs

    Recognising that the learning needs of children change rapidly during their pre-school years, Little Investigators offers two amazing learning programs, each tailored to reflect the developmental stages and milestones children between the ages of 3-5 years

    From the design of our physical spaces to our philosophy for learning, Little Investigators draws from an internationally renowned approach to create environments, relationships and experiences that allow children to explore their potential through play, interaction, inquiry and curiosity. 

    Learning Philosophy

    At Little Investigators, we believe and recognise that each child is unique and has rich potential.

    Through our programs of care, support and learning, our role as educators is to work with parents/caregivers to help each child in our care to discover their unique gifts, talents, abilities and interests by providing opportunities to play and learn.

    Our students learn through both play and structure, guided by their own sense of curiosity and wonder and opportunities to explore new spaces, new ideas and new experiences. Tailoring our programs to the needs of each learner wherever possible, we provide a strong foundation for future learning and excellent preparation for each student’s eventual transition into Junior School.

    Specialist Subjects

    Our Little Investigators benefit from access to an extensive range of specialist subjects including Japanese and Music, in addition to spending time with our specialist Environmental Science teacher to learn about the natural world.

    To complement their engagement in specialist learning, our ELC students also spend time in specialised areas across the Investigator College campus, including lessons in our Gym, The Hub (our College Library) and our Agriculture Shed, providing a balanced and well-rounded approach to the beginning of their learning journey.

    Pipi Program (3-4 Year Olds)

    Our Pipi Program is intended for learners aged between 3-4 years old, and focuses on play, exploration and inquiry.

    Beginning with two days each week, our Pipi Program focuses largely on learning through play and on providing an opportunity to explore new spaces and new activities.

    Our Pipi Program provides:

    • A play-based, inquiry-driven approach to learning, supported by the Early Years Learning Framework;
    • Special emphasis on sensory experience and creative expression;
    • Focus on the development of emerging language and social skills;
    • Introduction to Japaenese, Environmental Science and Music with specialist subject teachers;
    • Access to visits at the College’s Hub (Library), Gym, Nature Play Space and Currency Creek Eco-Campus;
    • Foundational Literacy and Wellbeing Programs, including Kimochis, specific to the Early Learning Centre.

    Pelican Program (4-5 Year Olds)

    Helping our 4-5 year old learners to take flight and soar, our Pelican Program aims to prepare our older children to make a seamless transition into Junior School.

    Children enrolled in our Pelican Program attend Little Investigators a minimum of three days each week, which helps to gently promote routine and structure – preparing young learners for a successful transition into Prep. or Reception.

    Our Pelican Program extends on some of the learning in our Pipi Program and provides:

    • Additional days/time in our Early Learning Centre;
    • Focus upon building literacy, numeracy and cognitive skills in small and larger groups;
    • Perceptual Motor Program to enhance motor skills linked to reading and writing readiness
    • Opportunities for parents/caregivers and families to work alongside our specialist Early Years and Junior School educators to help prepare for the transition into Prep./Reception
    • Seamless transition into the first year of Primary School through either Prep. (Mid-Year) or Reception.


    Little Investigators
    Program Overview

    More detail on the programs we offer for 3, 4 and 5 year old learners in our Early Learning Centre is available in our ELC Program Overview.

    Every day is a new adventure in our Early Learning Centre, but in general our approach to teaching and learning seeks to provide:

    Emphasis on individual attention and tailoring learning programs and activities to the developmental and social and emotional needs of each child.

    Focus on the development of strong socio-emotional and relationship building skills that equip children for future learning.

    Combination of play-based and structured learning activities that help each learner to make discoveries, explore new ideas and develop new abilities with confidence.

    Excellent preparation for transition into Preparation or Reception, with a guaranteed place at Investigator College.

    Teaching and Learning approaches underpinned by both the Early Years Learning Framework and Reggio Emilia practices to guide and nurture holisitc development.

    Access to specialised learning programs and opportunities to explore specialised learning environments, including visits to our eco-learning centre at Currency Creek.

    Junior School

    Early Years Expertise:
    Our Little Investigators Staff

    Offering far more than a traditional day care or kindergarten, our staff provide an exceptional Early Years education, working hand-in-hand with our community of parents and caregivers to ensure each Little Investigator— and their family —  receives the very best care and support

    Our Early Learning Centre is staffed by a team of experienced, qualified Early Years Educators, who take great pride in the level of care, support and encouragement they provide to each and every child enrolled at Little Investigators.

    Working collaboratively as a team, and in partnership with families, our Director, Early Childhood Teacher and ELC Co-Educators work to provide an exceptional foundation for future learning.

    Our service, our programs, and the expertise of our people, allow our Early Learning Centre to move far beyond the offering of standard long day care centres or kindergartens. Children enrolled at Little Investigators received access to a comprehensive learning program, which encourages their holistic development, and, as they approach their transition into Primary School, ensures they are well-equipped to take the next step in their learning journey.

    Key Early Learning Staff

    John Robinson


    Grant Bock

    Head of Junior School

    Michelle Brougham

    ELC Director

    Di McEvoy

    Early Childhood Teacher

    Denika Burrows

    ELC Admin

    Gosia Morse

    ELC Co-Educator

    Lisa Barth

    ELC Co-Educator

    Zena Pfeiffer

    ELC Co-Educator

    Grace Shaw

    ELC Co-Educator

    Hayley Discombe

    ELC Co-Educator

    Leah Kearney

    ELC Co-Educator


    Learn, play, and grow in our world-class Early Learning Centre:
    Join us at Little Investigators!

    Investigator College is excited to welcome new students, parents and families into our Little Investigators Community as they begin their lifelong learning journey.

    Begin your enrolment below, or join us for an upcoming guided tour!