
Pre-Enrolment Information

Little Investigators is the Early Learning Centre of Investigator College.
By completing this form and accepting any subsequent offer of enrolment, your child will be enrolled at Investigator College.

Pre-Enrolment Information

Before beginning your application, please take a moment to ensure you have all the documents and information you will need to complete our Enrolment Application Form:

1. Supporting Documents

Before beginning your enrolment application, you will need to ensure you have copies of the following documents:

  • Medical Information form
  • Child’s Birth Certificate;
  • Child’s Visa or Proof of Australian Citizenship (if not born in Australia);
  • Any Court Orders or documents concerning Parental Guardianship, Custody or living arrangements for the child;
  • Immunisation Records (when enrolling in the Early Learning Centre)

2. Additional Documents

In addition, you may be asked to supply the following documents (provided they are relevant to your chid):

  • Copies of any relevant reports or assessments from Psychologists, Speech Pathologists or other relevant Allied Health Professionals
  • Copies of the Student’s Individual Education Plan or other similar documents (if relevant)
  • Copies of any letters or communication regarding previous behavioural incidences or suspensions

Please ensure that you are prepared with copies of these documents (if relevant) to accompany your application.

3. Enrolment Application Fee

A small $50.00 Administration Fee is required to accompany Applications for Enrolment at Investigator College.

If completing your Enrolment Application online, this will need be paid securely via credit or debit card in order to complete the application process.

If completing your Enrolment Application using a physical form, payment will be required when your form is received by our Administration staff.

Enrolment Application Form

We’re excited to have you joining us at Little Investigators!

The Enrolment Application Form and the Student Medical Information Form can be downloaded below, and returned to the Investigator College Administration.