From Our Head of Secondary School

It is a Privilege to Serve

Monday, 20 May 2024
As we head into another busy and eventful term, each week brings reminders of the privileges we are afforded. Alongside our rich curriculum offerings, students across the Secondary School have had opportunities to participate in sporting events including AFL, volleyball, mountain bike championships, and surfing.
Jodie O'Donnell

Jodie O'Donnell

Head of Secondary School

Students participated in kindness activities led by the College Captains, travelled to Adelaide for the Careers Expo, continue to explore STEM in preparation for the SA Power Networks Robotics competition, listened to guest speakers from Anglicare and tirelessly rehearse for the Musical being held at the end of this term. The end of Week 4 also means Formal for our Year 11 and 12 students. All of this (and more) and we are only in Week 4!

With this array of offerings, it is important to take moments to reflect on how truly blessed we are to be part of a wonderful College community. Research shows that serving others can improve our own wellbeing, connection and sense of belonging. With many exciting events and opportunities on the calendar this term, remembering to give thanks and reciprocate to serve one another strengthens our community.

Character Strengths – Gratitude

At Investigator College, our staff and many of our students have been asked to explore their own character strengths. We utilise the VIA Institute on Character to help us discover our character strengths. Why?

Character Strengths are the positive parts of your personality that impact how you think, feel and behave. Scientists have identified 24 character strengths that you have the capacity to express. By taking the VIA Survey you will discover your unique character strengths profile. Knowing and applying your highest character strengths is the key to you being your best self.” (

We display the results of our top five strengths around our staffroom and classrooms, as they also allow us to know the strengths of our peers. It would be almost impossible to state which ones are the most important, but the one I want to explore today is, Gratitude.

Demonstrating Gratitude and Thankfulness is very easy to do, but at times, it is something we all need to be reminded of. Expressing gratitude, particularly for teenagers, is a powerful tool that can enhance their overall wellbeing, foster positive relationships and improve their mental health. They can express this gratitude in a number of ways, but some we have seen to be highly beneficial include:

Gratitude Journals

Encourage them to keep a daily or weekly journal where they write down things they are grateful for. This helps them reflect on positive aspects of their lives. Sometimes, this is easy to forget if we have a negative mindset.

Gratitude Letters or Notes

Suggest writing letters or notes of appreciation to people who have made a positive impact on their lives, such as teachers, friends, or family members.

Thank You Cards

Provide them with thank you cards to write personal messages of gratitude. This can be a fun and creative activity, especially if they decorate the cards themselves.

Verbal Acknowledgment

Encourage them to verbally thank people in their daily lives, whether it’s saying thanks to a friend who helped with homework or expressing appreciation to a family member who cooked dinner.

Modelling Behaviour

Adults can model gratitude by expressing their own appreciation openly and frequently. Teenagers often learn behaviours by observing those around them.

We are continually striving to help our students develop their character strengths, as this is equally important as their academic achievements.

Students of Investigator College are truly wonderful young people to work with. They are kind, well mannered and respectful young people. Visitors to our school and staff often comment on this. Employers in the local community, actively seek out our students for positions within their businesses. We are very proud of them. However, they are young people and need constant guidance and reassurance. Helping them to express gratitude regularly, is one more way we can help them.

We look forward to continuing to work in partnership with our families to support the students of Investigator College. Please stay tuned for our upcoming Formal photographs. It promises to be a beautiful evening and one so important to the journey our students.

Jodie O’Donnell (Head of Secondary School) and Simone Bonser (Year 11/12 Coordinator)

Jodie O'Donnell
Head of Secondary School

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