From Our Head of Middle School


Thursday, 14 September 2023
RUOK? Day, observed on 14 September, is a great reminder of the importance of looking out for each other.
Scott McGregor

Scott McGregor

Head of Middle School

The initiative, which began in 2009 in Australia, has since spread to many countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada. It encourages us to check in on our friends, classmates, and colleagues.

In the Middle School, in the lead up to R U OK? Day students have been encouraged to break down the stigma associated with mental health and normalise discussions about their wellbeing. When students see their peers and educators talking openly about wellbeing, it can make seeking help seem less intimidating. Encouraging students to ask, “Are you okay?” also prompts them to reflect on their own wellbeing. Self-care is a crucial aspect of mental health, and RUOK? Day prompts students to take a moment to check in with themselves and seek help when needed.

R U OK? Day isn’t just about a single conversation; it’s about creating a culture of care and support. It reminds us of the power of relationships, conversation, and connection. These connections can help build a strong support network, both within and beyond the school walls. It also provides us a chance to remind students that support is available. Our teachers, counsellors and other staff are all available if, and when, a student needs some support.

In order to support and highlight the important message of R U OK? Day, students across the College participated in a number of activities on Thursday 14 September, including a casual day, combined lunch as well as other fun games. The College community raised over $1000 on the day, which will be donated to R U OK? Thank you to everybody for your generous support.

Scott McGregor
Head of Middle School

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