From Our Principal

The Future Holds Great Promise

Monday, 3 June 2024
It was with great pleasure that last week we released details of our new strategic plan. This followed extensive consultation, including a survey that many of you kindly completed, several forums, including with students plus numerous meetings at staff, Senior Leadership and Board level.
John Robinson

John Robinson


As outlined in the Strategic Plan letter, we are walking on the shoulders of giants who have contributed so much in establishing and building this thriving Anglican College we all enjoy. As Principal, I have the task of leading the College into another great era which involves embracing the changes that have taken place in education over the past few years and ensuring that Investigator graduates are equipped for a fulfilling, successful future.

Central to our new directions are our five Values.

  1. Excellence – putting in effort to achieve personal best outcomes; understanding and using our character strengths; acknowledging that we might be good at something initially, but that we can work diligently to improve; exhibiting exemplary behaviour and an openness to new learning, moving from good to great.
  2. Creativity – seeking original, effective solutions to problems, giving students and staff permission to explore ingenuity and new possibilities in pursuit of valued outcomes, embracing opportunities enabled through 21st century global education. To be creative we understand that sometimes we encounter hurdles but our creativity helps us overcome these challenges.
  3. Community – strengthening connection and engagement both within Investigator College, within the Fleurieu community and beyond this. We want students and their families to feel proud of their association with the College, with a clear awareness of the benefits. Understanding that our efforts can make a positive difference to our community, believing in and supporting your fellow students and teachers, setting yourself goals that you can strive to achieve and supporting others in their aspirations to make this world a better place. Our new Innovation Centre will be a hub for our community connections!
  4. Sustainability – maintaining our strong financial position, to support exciting new programs, build and upgrade infrastructure and employ specialist staffing to ensure that Investigator remains a beacon of excellence and innovation for the next generation also.
  5. Respect – for ourselves, each other, for animals and the environment. Our student experiences at our Currency Creek EcoCentre are now attracting global attention (last week, for example, we have had professionals from Great Britain contact us regarding our lighthouse programs) and an ethic of care underpins everything we do. Respect also involves choosing our words and actions carefully, considering the rights of others to learn and to feel safe, expressing gratitude and appreciating diversity. Respect involves being honest, reflective, kind and altruistic, making good choices (even when you think nobody is watching), acknowledging that the world is bigger than just us, taking pride in the way uniform is worn and willingly helping others.

Our future is looking bright indeed and it is a pleasure to be sharing it with you.

Enjoy the long weekend!

John Robinson

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