Our School

Middle School

Year 7 – Year 9

We invite you to explore our dynamic Middle Schoolthree years of exciting learning and educational exploration, where each student is encouraged to discover new interests, new skills and new passions as they begin to shape their pathway for the future.

Middle School

Our Middle School:
Exploration and Discovery on Pathways to the Future

Our Middle School offers an environment that allows each learner to explore new subject areas, follow passions, acquire new abilities and develop new skills — helping them to discover new pathways and aspire to new horizons as they learn and grow.

As your child commences in our Middle School, our focus becomes helping them forge their individual path toward the brightest possible future.

Through our facilities, our learning environments and, most importantly, our staff, we offer a caring and supportive environment that allows each learner to achieve individual excellence, develop key skills for the future, and aspire to be their very best selves.

As each child navigates some of the most formative years in their educational journey, we work to ensure that each learner receives time and space to build excellent relationships with teaching staff, to access support, and to engage deeply in their daily learning, as they begin to fully explore possible future pathways.

Across our Middle School – and across our College – we are committed to ensuring that each individual learner has the fullest opportunity to become, and be, their very best self.

Each student enrolled in our Middle School enjoys and benefits from:

Individual Attention

We deliberately limit our Middle School class sizes, ensuring that each learner receives time and space to build excellent relationships with teaching staff, to access support as they navigate the personal growth and developmental changes that occur through the Middle Years of Secondary schooling, and to engage deeply in their daily learning.

Focus on Positive Education and Wellbeing

Our focus on Positive Education and Student Wellbeing underpins our daily classroom practice, and we operate with a commitment to supporting each learner, and their family, as they make the exciting transition from Junior School into the Middle and Senior Years of their Secondary education.

Across our Middle School, our staff prioritise and support the development of each learner – not only in their academic pursuits – but holistically, as they mature into outstanding young adults.

Support for Personal Development

As our learners grow through their Middle Schooling, the development of confidence, identity and a sense of self is key to unlocking interests, talents and abilities that often help younger learners begin to set their course for the future.

To complement a broad curriculum across our Middle School, additional focus is placed on the development of key character strengths — including perseverance, resilience and self-efficacy — that support student wellbeing and encourage each student to continue their learning journey into Senior Years with confidence.

Supportive, Subject-Specialist Staff

Experts in Middle Years education, pedagogy and curriculum, our Middle School teachers continuously work to create a learning environment which offers rich subject content, differentiated learning opportunities, and high levels of student engagement — allowing each learner to access a world-class Anglican education.

Through outstanding relationships and care for each student, our teaching and learning staff offer a supportive classroom environment and encourage the pursuit of excellence for each learner.

Extensive Opportunities

Our Middle School Curriculum provides boundless opportunity for exploration within an environment of safety, encouragement and support.

From increased agency through subject choices and electives, to comprehensive co-curricular programs that allow each learner to broaden their horizons beyond the classroom, each of our Middle School Years offers variety and unique learning opportunities for each student.

Enhanced by full participation in our Investig8 Program, Investigator College offers our Middle School students extensive opportunities to explore and discover new talents, skills and abilities and to develop a love of learning that extends far beyond the classroom.

Guided Tours

Book A Guided Tour of Our Middle School

Allow us to guide you on a tour of our outstanding Middle School!

Our regular Guided Tours provide an opportunity to meet our Principal and School Leaders, view our extensive facilities, visit our classrooms and discuss your child’s individual learning needs with our expert teaching and learning staff.

    Tour Date & Time

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    Middle School

    Middle School Curriculum

    Across our Middle School Curriculum our focus is on discovery and exploration – inspiring and empowering each learner to venture boldly into new subject areas, meet new challenges, and develop the confidence, character and courage to be their very best selves. 

    Throughout Years 7 -9, our Middle School Curriculum provides boundless opportunity for student agency and exploration, within an environment of safety, encouragement and support.

    From increased decision-making in core studies through subject choices and electives, to comprehensive co-curricular programs that allow each learner to broaden their horizons beyond the classroom, each of our Middle School Years offers variety and unique learning opportunities for each student.

    Year 7: Subjects

    As students enter their Middle Years, it is important to consolidate and continue building on the foundation of core knowledge and skills acquired in the Junior Years, while broadening the areas of study to open a diverse range of future pathways.

    Our Core Curriculum in Year 7 includes:

    • English
    • Mathematics
    • Science
    • Geography
    • History
    • Music
    • Visual Arts
    • Digital Technologies
    • Health and Physical Education
    • Business and Economics
    • Design and Technology
    • Drama
    • Environmental Studies
    • Japanese
    • Media Arts
    • Wellbeing and Values Education (WAVE)

    Core subjects in Year 7 are complemented by an extensive array of semester-long Friday afternoon electives, which are made available through our Investig8 Program.

    Year 8: Subjects

    Extending on the learning and continued development of core learning skills in Year 7, our Year 8 curriculum continues to provide each student with access to broad subject offerings.

    Our Core Curriculum in Year 8 includes:

    • English
    • Mathematics
    • Science
    • Geography
    • History
    • Music
    • Visual Arts
    • Digital Technologies
    • Health and Physical Education
    • Business and Economics
    • Design and Technology
    • Drama
    • Environmental Studies
    • Japanese
    • Media Arts
    • Wellbeing and Values Education (WAVE)

    Core subjects in Year 8 are also complemented by an extensive array of semester-long Friday afternoon electives, which are made available through our Investig8 Program.

    As part of Investig8, students may either continue to further explore elective choices made in Year 7, or to explore new areas by make new selections for the year.

    Year 9: Subjects & Electives

    As students progress upward in their learning, the subjects that must be taken as ‘core’ lessen, making room in the study load for deeper engagement with specialist subjects.

    In Year 9, our Core Curriculum comprises:

    • English
    • Mathematics
    • Science
    • Geography
    • History
    • Health and Physical Education

    The reduction in core subjects allows each learner to choose specialist subjects to complete their study load, which vary between a semester (two terms) and a full year in length. These specialist subjects include:

    • Design and Technologies
    • Digital Technologies
    • Drama
    • Food Technology
    • Japanese
    • Media Arts
    • Music
    • Sustainability Studies
    • Visual Arts

    Year 9 students also continue to participate in the Investig8 Program, allowing them to further explore a diverse range of extra-curricular subject areas and activities each semester.

    Investig8 Program

    To complement the specialist subjects available to students across the Middle School, our Investig8 Program further enriches the available curriculum through a range of electives that focus on:

    • Enabling students to develop transferrable skills that will set them up for success in the senior years and beyond;
    • Recording and acknowledging student learning in a way that can create a portfolio of key competencies for each individual student;
    • Allowing students to either find or follow their passion by providing an opportunity to explore areas of learning that may fall outside of the general curriculum.

    The Investig8 Program takes place on Friday afternoons, with students able to select up to 6 different semester-long electives across their three years in Middle School. Programs on offer as part of Investig8 include:

    • Arts and Textiles
    • Camping and Outdoor Skills
    • Debating/Public Speaking
    • Electronic Music Production
    • Lego Robotics
    • Media Production
    • Mindfulness and Personal Wellbeing
    • Photography
    • Multicultural Cooking
    • Skills-Based Cooking
    • Sailing
    • Creative Writing
    • Sustainability – Growing Food
    • Sports Science
    • Golf
    • Football
    • Basketball
    • Volleyball
    • Musical Theatre
    • Community Service

    The Rite Journey

    Taking place during Year 9, The Rite Journey provides a unique educational program designed to support the development of self-aware, vital, responsible, respectful and resilient adults.

    Designed to help young people manage the transition from child to adult, The Rite Journey aims to:

    • Acknowledge & celebrate each student’s shift into adulthood
    • Offer conversations & experiences to guide this transition
    • Foster connections with positive adult role models
    • Educate & include parents/carers in the process
    • Connect students with their strengths
    • Build self-awareness

    Facilitated by teaching staff, in conjunction with experts from The Rite Journey team, the program includes: time spent in single-sex classes with freedom to discuss and unpack gender-specific issues; opportunities to explore and address the physical, social, psychological, emotional and spiritual changes happening in students’ lives in a safe and structured way; and a guiding process to help students understand that individual rights should be balanced by reciprocal responsibilities and service to others.


    Middle School
    Curriculum Guide

    An overview of our Middle School Curriculum, including details on each of the subjects offered across each year level from Year 7 to Year 9 is available in our Middle School Curriculum Guide.

    Our Middle School encourages students to discover new skills, explore new experiences and form a strong sense of self identity. As student agency and responsibility for their own learning increases, our teaching and learning across our Middle School is characterised by:

    Broad subject offerings, with increasing ability to make study choices outside of core subject, and exercise individual agency in learning through electives.

    Opportunities and encouragement to explore new areas of interest, develop new skills and engage with new activities beyond the core curriculum.

    Teaching and Learning enriched and empowered by the use of technology in the clasroom through the Investigator College BYOD Program.

    Regular access and use of specialised teaching and learning environments, and further opportunities to explore our world-class eco-campus at Currency Creek.

    Junior School

    Outstanding Support:
    Our Middle School Staff

    Through strong relationships, care and support, our Middle School staff prioritise the development of each individual learner — not only as a student, but as an exceptional young adult, confident of a bright and brilliant future.

    Investigator College prides itself on providing the best possible environment, and the best possible teachers and mentors, for adolescent learners as they move through our Middle School.

    Throughout Years 7, 8 and 9 our staff and school leaders work in partnership with parents and caregivers to create a teaching and learning environment which actively promotes increased student agency.

    Supported by a caring and connected College Community, and access to world-class teaching and learning facilities, students begin to take a greater role in their own learning – making decisions and exploring new opportunities with the safety and security of support, care and affirmation from our expert teaching and learning staff.

    With the assurance, confidence and encouragement that comes from our teachers, school leaders and support staff, our Middle School is an opportunity for students to take chances, to try new things and to explore previously untried pathways in order to fully explore their potential, and their individual goals and pathways for the future.

    As each student continues their learning journey through our Middle School and further into their Senior Years of study, we take great pride in building strong, open and communicative relationships with parents and families – working together to ensure that your child is provided with every possible opportunity to succeed – both inside and outside of the classroom.


    Key Middle School Staff

    John Robinson


    Scott McGregor

    Deputy Principal 


    Join our outstanding Middle School at Investigator College!

    Investigator College is excited to welcome new students, parents and families as they begin an exciting new learning adventure in our Middle School. Begin your enrolment journey today, and join our outstanding Middle School at Investigator College!